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  15 records found
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Results 1 - 10 of 15 (0.00s)
Reconvilier - Centre du village
s. d. (sine dato)Document kammed469 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvilier : Auberge du Lion d'Or
1902Document kammed028 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
8/24/1905Document kammed053 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
2/22/1908Document kammed064 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvilier - Vue générale
3/10/1913Document kammed016 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvilier - Vue générale
11/27/1913Document kammed114 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvilier - La Via de Crets
12/20/1913Document kammed124 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvilier - Centre du village et collège
5/5/1915Document kammed207 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvilier : Auberge du Lion d'Or
7/23/1922Document kammed058 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvilier - Centre du village et Via des Crêts
7/25/1929Document kammed295 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image

Search Criteria
Descriptor(s)Reconvilier - Vie des Crêts (Lieux\R\Reconvilier)
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