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  13 records found
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Reconvillier [sic] : la Cure
s. d. (sine dato)Document kammed052 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvilier - Bel Air
1909Document kammed092 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Cure de Reconvilier
2/11/1914Document kammed185 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvilier - La Cure
8/6/1915Document kammed199 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvillier [sic] : Fabrique Marvin-Watch Co. S.A.
1918Document kammed219 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvilier : Bel Air
7/22/1929Document kammed296 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvillier [sic]- Vue générale
8/3/1929Document kammed297 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvilier : Vue générale
1933Document kammed361 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvilier - La Cure
1936Document kammed376 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Reconvilier - Vue générale
1939Document kammed445 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image

Search Criteria
Descriptor(s)Reconvilier - Rue de Bel-Air (Lieux\R\Reconvilier)
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