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  64 records found
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[A gauche] Mr. le Pasteur Bernard, 1853, membre fondateur de l'Union Chrétienne de St-Imier. [A droite] Mr. le Pasteur Bovet, fondateur de la Croix bleue de la Suisse orientale, ancien pasteur de Sonvilier
No information givenDocument Unions008 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Cortège à Sonvilier
No information givenDocument Georet017 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Cortège à Sonvilier
No information givenDocument Georet018 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Cortège à Sonvilier
No information givenDocument Georet019 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Cortège de la fanfare de la Croix-Bleue
No information givenDocument Georet020 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Cortège à Sonvilier
No information givenDocument Georet021 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Cortège de la fanfare de la Croix-Bleue
No information givenDocument Georet022 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Soirée organisée par la Croix-Bleue de Tramelan
s. d. (sine dato)Document rolali0151 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Fête cantonale neuchâteloise de la Croix-Bleue : Le Locle, 12 juin 1905
s. d. (sine dato)Document fondet0612 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image
Chalet Le Refuge : Association du Chalet de la Croix-Bleue Jurassienne, 2722 Mont Tramelan
s. d. (sine dato)Document chofnd02096 Localizes the unit of description in the archive plan Shows the view image

Search Criteria
Descriptor(s)Croix-Bleue romande (Organisations\Collectivité\C)
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